Konini Creatives Art Club
at Konini Primary School
This fun, supportive and curiosity driven after school group held at Konini Primary School is designed to encourage and strengthen kids’ creative capacity through the visual arts. Together the 5-12 year olds will follow a creative process; they will explore ideas and materials, experiment with different techniques, and refine and share their discoveries. While children will be given carefully selected materials, prompts in the form of discussing artists’ images or ideas, and shown relevant techniques, what they make is up to them!
The Details (Term 4 2024)
Monday’’s Creative Play
3 - 4.30pm 10th February - 31st March
Open to all 5-12 year olds up to a max of 10 participants
$150 for 8 weeks including materials & afternoon tea, plus $5 for an A4 Visual Diary
Tuesday’s Creative Challenge
Tuesdays 3-4.30pm 11th February - 1st April
Open to all 7-12 year olds up to a max of 8 participants
$160 for 8 weeks including materials & afternoon tea, plus $5 for an A4 Visual Diary
Tuesday’s Creative Challenge for Term 1 - Environmental Art
We will be out and about making art with our environment, exploring temporary sculpture making, photography, watercolour, and making our own paper!
Please enroll by filling out the google form.
Payment by bank transfer is appreciated by the first week of term, if you would like to pay in instalments please let me know. MF Catt 03 1399 0380803 000 Childs name as ref
What to expect
Each session will start with a snack and a catch up, and include both open exploration and guided activities which will introduce and extend their visual arts skills, and give them space to express their own unique style. Everyone will use a visual diary to record their experiments and planning. This can be used at home too, or kept in the class.
Monday’s Creative Play will focus on exploring a variety of art making experiences. As well as trying out techniques and mediums in their own way, the group will play art games, make work collaboratively, and share their ideas with each other.
In Tuesday’s Creative Challenge, the kids will tackle longer projects, allowing them to dive more deeply into an area of art making. Experimentation will be encouraged so they can develop ways of expressing their ideas and practice creative problem solving. Each term will cover a medium or genre of art.
Which ever session you choose, the art-making will go hand-in-hand with creativity and practising critical thinking skills, as well as providing children with a way to express themselves and shape their world. Konini Creatives art club is also a place to practice the creative values of cooperation, empathy, resilience, openness, curiosity, risk taking and reflection.
Keeping Well
Strategies consistent with public health advice to schools will be followed. This includes:
Students, families and teacher staying home if unwell
Washing hands or using hand sanitiser
Keeping the room ventilated, and working outside whenever possible
Small group size to allow for adequate spacing, mask wearing will be supported
School health and safety guidelines re use of equipment and art materials.
If your child needs to miss a class, please contact me in advance if possible. Make up days may be able to be arranged.