Art Garden Book List

Art Themed Books for Preschoolers and their Carers

All titles are available at Auckland Libraries

Picture book stories 

I am an Artist by Nikki Slade Robinson

My Many Coloured Days by Dr. Seuss ; paintings by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher

Louise Loves Art by Kelly Light

Clive and his Art by Jessica Spanyol

Sky Colour by Peter H. Reynolds

The Dot  by Peter H. Reynolds

Ish  by Peter H. Reynolds

My blue is Happy by Jessica Young ; illustrated by Catia Chien

Fuzzy Doodle by Melinda Szymanik ; pictures by Donovan Bixley

Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Bob the Artist and Bob Goes Pop! by Marion Deuchars

They Say Blue by Jillian Tamaki

How to Spot an Artist : this might get messy by Danielle Krysa

Blue Flower by Sonya Hartnett; pictures by Gabriel Evans

The Art Garden by Penny Harrison; pictures by Penelope Pratley

Drawn Together by Minhe Lē; illustrated by Dan Santat

Artworks and Artists

I Spy NZ art by Auckland Art Gallery

Picture This! by Paul Thurby

Look! look! look! at Sculpture by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace with Linda K. Friedlaender

I Can be a Maker by The Wiggles Learn and Play


They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel

The Queen's Shadow : a story about how animals see by Cybèle Young

Patterns and Shapes

The Book of Shapes by Sarah Dyer

What Can I be? by Ann Rand & Ingrid King

Touch-and-feel Colours : a fun-filled book of learning by Jonathan Litton illustrations by Fhiona Galloway

Pattern-tastic Treasure Hunt : spot the odd one out with nature by Hvass&Hannibal

My First Book of Patterns by Bobby & June George ; art by Boyoun Kim

5 Wild Shapes  illustrated by Camilla Falsini

Shapes, Reshape by Silvia Borando

Opposites Abstract by Mo Willems

Reference books for teachers and parents

Children's Imagination : creativity under our noses by Ursula Kolbe 

Rapunzel's Supermarket : all about young children and their art by Ursula Kolbe

Magic places : the adults' guide to young children's creative artwork by Pennie Brownlee 

The Artist's Way for Parents : raising creative children  by Julia Cameron with Emma Lively

Wonder Art Workshop by Sally Haughey

Tinkerlab by Rachelle Doorly




The Creative Process